With the growing number of families choosing cremation, manufacturers have responded by developing an extensive number of offerings. We provide a number of these options in popular styles fabricated in wood, bronze and other new materials.
Keepsake urns are used to put a portion of the remains in and share with other members of the family or close friends. We have a large selection of mini keepsakes and heart keepsakes, so we will continue to add new product. The prices do not include sales tax.
3 Locations to Serve Louisiana
Magnolia Funeral Home Magnolia Funeral Home Magnolia Funeral Home
1604 Magnolia Street 7357 Masonic Drive 620 E. Bryant Road
Alexandria, LA 71301 Alexandria, LA 71301 Center Point, LA 71323
(Main Location) (Chapel Only) (Chapel Only)
Fax: (888) 288-3176
Email: magnoliafh@gmail.com